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(Colonial Records, P 498) can A void it than Tuesday night. If you do not come either let Dukey or some one else come express to me by that Time, If Capt. & Lieut. Cobbs both Come away M Kennedy, M Cox or M Ingram will take charge of the Waggon. Pray see that all my things are secured in it. If you or M Herritage are to stay at Cape Fear, you might keep the Tent, Cot, Table & Chairs with a Case. However this I must leave to you, in which prudence I hope will direct you. We are all well. If I don't See you let me hear any News you may be possessed of. Give my Compliments to Capt. Cobb & his Kinsmen, let them know I expect they will be at Kingston by Tuesday night. I therefore Write nothing to them but refer to Col. Bryan & Capt. Daly.

I am Dear Billey Your Affect


P. S.-J ohn Herritage says he will not go into Service again under his former. Com.

I send 50 Bills of 2 dollars----------------100

50 half dollars--------------------------------25

50 quarters do-------------------------------12 1/2

137 1/2 make £55.

(Reprinted from Jones Defence of North Carolina, P. 279.) (Colonial Records, P. 499)

Letter from Samuel Johnston to James Iredell.

HALIFAX, 20th of April, 1776.


"We have not yet been able to agree on a Constitution. We have a meeting on it every evening, but can conclude on nothing. The great difficulty in our way is, how to establish a check on the Representatives of the people, to prevent their assuming more power than would be consistent with the liberties of the people; such as increasing the time of their duration and such like. Many projects have been proposed too tedious for a letter to communicate. Some have proposed that we should take up the plan of the Connecticut Constitution for a ground-work but with some amendments; such as that all the great officers, instead of being elected by the people at large, should be appointed by the Assembly; but that the Judges of our Courts should hold their offices during good behaviour. After all, it appears to me that there can be no check on the Representatives of the people in a democracy, but the people themselves; and in order that the check may be more efficient I would have annual elections. "The Congress have raised four new regiments making in the whole six, and three companies of light horse. They are about striking a large sum of money for paying them. General Lee promises us a visit soon. I want much to see that original."

(From MS. Records in office of Secretary of State)

Proceedings of the Safety Committee in Pitt County.

MARTINBOROUGH, April 23rd, 1776.

The Committee met.

Present: Jas. Lanier, C. M., Simon Pope, Edmond Williams, Geo. Moy, Benj. May, Arthur Forbes, James Williams, Geo. Evans, Jesse Jolley, David Perkins & T. Wolfenden. Jas. Lanier app. Chairman.

Ordered that Capt. Bowers have leave to take security for Arthur Moore, to have the Liberty of this Town.

Ordered that Jessey Summerlin have leave to sue Peter May son of Jus. May.

Ordered that Thos. Wolfenden & Jas. Lanier have leave to sue all people Indebted to the estate of Charles Read Esq., dec'd. Ordered, that Ann Pettit have leave to sue John Kennady. Dan Fore appeared before this Committee and was acquitted.


(From MS. Records in office of Secretary of State)


At a Congress begun and held at the town of Halifax, in the county of Halifax, the 4th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1776.

It being certified that the"following persons were duly elected and returned for the respective countie.; and towns, to wit:

For Anson County--Daniel Love, Samuel Spencer, John Crawford, James Picket, and John Childs.

Beaufort--Roger Ormond, Thomas Respis, jun., and John Cowper.

Bladen--Nathaniel Richardson, Thomas Robeson, Mutumn Colviti, James Council, and Thomas Amis.

Bertie--John Campbell, John Johnston, and Charles Jaycocks.

Brunswick--Bute-Green Hill, William Alston, William Person, Thomas Sherrod, and Philemon Hawkins.

Craven--James Coor, Lemuel Hatch, John Bryan, 'William Bryan, and Jacob Blount.

Carter--William Thompson, Solomon Shepard, and John Blackhouse.

Currituck--Samuel Jarvis, James White, James Ryan, Gideon Lamb, ~nd Solomon Perkins.

Chowan--Samuel Johnston, Thomas Benbury, Thomas Jones, John Bap. Beasly, and Thomas Hunter.

Cumberland--David Smith, Alexander McAlister, Farqnard Campbell, Thomas Rutherford, and Alexander McCoy.

Chatham--Ambrose Ramsay, John Thompson, Joshua Rosser, Jeduthan Harper, and Elisha Cain.

Duplin--Thomas Gray, and William Dickson.

Dobbs--Richard Caswell, Abraham Shepherd, Geo. Miller, Simon Bright, and William McKinnie.

Edgecombe--William Haywood, Duncan Lemon, Elisha Battle, Henry Irwin, and Nathaniel Boddie.

Granville--Thomas Person, John Penn, Memucan Hunt, John Taylor, and Charles Eaton.

Guilford--Ransome Southerland, William Dent, and Ralph Gorrill.

Hyde--Rotheas Latham, JosP,ph Hancock, John Jordan, and Benjamin Parmely.

Hertford--Robert Sumner.

Halifax--John Bradford, James Hogan, David Sumner, Joseph John Williams, and Willis Alston.

Johnston--Samuel Smith, jun., Needham Bryan, jun., and Henry Rains.

Mecklenburg--John Pfifer, Robert'Irwin, and John McNitt Alexander.

Martin--William Williams, Whitmill Hill, Kenneth McKenzie, Thomas Wiggins, and Edward Smythwick.

New Hanover--John Ashe, John Devane, Samuel Ashe, Sampson Mosely, and John Hollingsworth:

Northampton--Allen· Jones, J eptha Atherton, Drury Gee, Samuel Lockhart, and Howell Edmunds . .

Onslow--George Mitchell, Benaj11h Doty, John Spicer, John King, and John Norman.

Orange--John Kinchen, James Sa under<', J olm Butler, Nathaniel Rochester, and Thomas Burke.

Perquimons--Miles Harvey, William Skinner; Thomas]Harvey, Charles B.lount, and Charles Moore.

Pasquotank--Thomas Boyd, Joseph Jones, William Cuming, Dempsey Burgess, and Henry Abbott.

Pitt--John Simpson, Edward Salter, and William Robson.

Rowan--Griffith Rutherford, and Matthew Locke.


Tyrrell--Archibald Corrie.


Wake--Joel Lane, John Hinton, John Rand, William Hooper and Tignal Jones.

Town of Bath--William Brown.

Newbern--Abner Nash.

Edenton--Joseph Hewes.

Wilmington--Cornelius Harnett.


Halifax--Willie Jones.

Hillsborough--William Johnston.

Salisbury--David Nisbet..

Campbleton--Arthur Council.

Pursuant to which the following persons appeared, subscribed the Test, and took their seats in Congress.

Mess. Samuel Johnston, William Haywood, Elisha Battle, Henry Irwin, Edward Salter, William Robson, John Bradford, James Hogan, David Sumner, Joseph John Williams, Willis Alston, Allen Jones, Drury Gee, John Hinton, John Rand, Thomas Respis, jun~, John Cowper, William Brown, George Mitchell, John King, John Norman, John Spicer, Joseph Hancock, John Jordan, Solomon Shepherd, William Thompson, Thomas Person, Memucan Hunt, John Taylor, Miles Harvey, William Skinner, Samuel Jarvis, James, White, James Ryan, Solomon Perkins, Thomas Beubury, Thomas Jones, John Thompson, John Devane, James Coer, John Bryan, Jacob Blount, Thomas Gray, Matthew Locke, Griffith Rutperford, John Pfifer, Robert Irwin, John McNitt Alexander, William Person, Green Hill, Thomas Boyd, William Williams, James Council, Philemon Hawkins, William Alston, John Campbell, Nathaniel Richardson and Arthur Council.

Mr. Allen Jones proposed for President,Samuel Johnston, Esq., who was unanimously chosen, and conducted to the Chair, and James Green, jun., was appointed Secretary, Francis Lynaugh and Evan Swann Doorkeepers, during the continuance of the Congress.

Mr. Bradford presented a petition from the inhabitants of the town of Halifax, setting forth that Willie Jones, Esq., who was elected a delegate for said town, is appointed by the Continental Congress; Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Southern Department, in consequence of which appointment be bad gone to Fort Charlotte, in Georgia, whereby the said town was unrepresented, praying leave to elect a delegate to sit and vote in Congress in the absence of the said Willie Jones, Esq.

Resolved, That the freeholders of the said town of Halifax meet on the 5th day of this instantr and elect a proper person to sit and vote in Congress until the return of the said Willie Jones, Esq. The Congress adjourned tiH to-morrow morning, ten o'clock.

Friday, April 5th, 1776.

The Congress met according to adjournment. Resolved, That Col. Nicholas Long take into his possession the powder and other stores lately arrived from Philadelphia, and safely keep the same until further orders.

The returning officer for the town of Halifax having certified that Mr. John Webb was duly elected a delegate for the said town until the return of Willie Jones, Esq., Mr. Webb appeared, subscribed the Test, and took his seat in Congress.

On motion, Resolved, That Mr. Allen Jones, Mr. Cornelius Harnett, Mr. James Coor, Mr. Thomas Person, Mr. Thomas Benbury, Mr. Thomas Respis, Mr. Samuel Jarvis, Mr. Green Hill, Mr. Arthur Council; Mr. Matthew Locke, Mr. Griffith Rutherford, and Mr. John Hinton, be a committee to enquire into, and make report to this Congress, of the quantity of ammunition now remaining in the Province.

On petition of William Alston, setting forth that a certain John Henderson is now about to remove. himself out of this Province, to the great prejudice of the orphans of Solomon Alston, dece·ased, the same being certified on oath,

Resolved, That such of the estate of Solomon Alston, late of Granville county, deceased, being the property of his orphans now in· the possession of John Hendernon or ·any other persons, be immediately taken into posse9llion for their use; end that the said John Henderson be brought forthwith to this Congress, there to answer any deficiency that may appear, and reimburse the said orphans; and that James Jones, of Wake county, be appointed to execute this resolution in any part of the Province, and that he take with him such assistance ·as · be shall .think necessary.

Resolved, That General McDonald be admitted to his parole upon the following conditions: That he does not go without the limits of the town of Halifax. That he does not, directly or indiretly, while a prisoner, correspond with any person or persons who are or may be in opposition to American measures, or by any manner or means convey to them intelligence of any sort. That· he take no draft, nor procure them to be taken by any one else, of an'y place or placel! in which be may be, while upon his parole, that shall now; or may hereafter give information to our enemies which can be injurious to us, or the common cause of America; but that without equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reservation, he pay the most exact and faithful attention to the intent and meaning of these conditions, according to the rules and regulations of war ; and that he every day appear between the hours of ten and twelve o'clock to the officer of the Guard.

The Congress adjourned till to-morrow morning nine o'clock.

Saturday, April 6th, 1776.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

Mr. President laid before the Congress letters from the delegates of this Province in Congress at Philadelphia, of the 12th of February and 1st of March last, inclosing sundry resolutions of the Continental Congress, which were read.

Ordered, That the same lie over for consideration till Monday next.

Mr. President laid before the Congress a letter from Col. James Moore of the first regiment, inclosing a general field return of officers